
Fight them off – drinks fight – it’s all over

Fight them off – drinks fight – it’s all over

It’s all over Lisa Moses turns off the heating. Circles don’t buy you drinks girls. You will have to go to the club and fight none circle men to buy you a drink. Take no second wife. We win you by a drink. You use your energy and life force women by submitting to Jesus’s men. I won’t thirst. Your in the wrong room women circles support Jesus, so take no knife. Christian woman do it right they fight by dancing for drinks. That’s how they fight. Let your wife out with her girls to the club after they have had your children to fight for drinks. It’s time to chill now you’ve had children. Stay calm. Circle women make sure your drinks are free. Jesus’s women are soldiers that dance for drinks. Jesus’s men anchor your spirit with the story of Jesus and the well. She gives you a drink with her life force. Christian’s drink cider for free calories and make your man his dinner. Laurie’s pub. Ready steady go. Now Christian women give me your whole spirit and take it to the club. Men don’t be a puff let your women out to fight. Jesus’s women dance with Jews. Cut them right. Muslims slow down the terror on Christian’s they are attacking Jews for drinks and cutting them right. If they call Lee a puff the Jews turn off the heating again. Christian women the secret to a Muslim taxi drivers free ride lays in your palm as Muslims are not allowed to masterbate. show love to a Muslim brother. It is an act of submission to Islam but if she blows a Muslim Jesus’s men get mad at her as it’s past your tolerance. Muslims keep your beard.

Ask Lisa from angels north that Moses does turn the heating off.
