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Follow the religion

The religion is called circleism and those that follow it are known as circles. Follow god Sam (stealthy, Allah, mode) and keep a covenant of growing strawberries.

Lee is offering hope and something different for believers – exactly what the world needs. Real Hope. Real Change.

We need your help to get there.

Only with more Circle donations can we build a temple or buy a church.

Only with your donation can we shape the world.

Can you support circleism by making a £5 donation so we can have a place of worship. 

Fire Moses (Yahweh)

Moses spoke to god through a burning bush and led his people by a pilar of fire. A pilar of fire also aided his peoples escape.

Moses taught me to work for myself.

Share the heating and expense with others in your family, church or tribe. Make a fire. Learn to forage.

Covenant of salt

Water – Jesus (Father)

Jesus did many miracles with water such as walking on water, turning water into wine and water came out of his body when he was stabbed by the spear of destiny. Those that follow him are baptised in water.

Jesus taught me forgiveness..

Walk on water. Carry a water bottle and save on buying expensive drinks. Learn to fish. Claim gift aid and eat at church.

Covenant of growing mint and potatoes

Earth – Muhammad (Allah)

Muhammad climbed a mountain and conquered much land as a prophet. He also taught me that soil must be won at a natural rate and you shouldn’t transgress your limits.

Muhammad taught me to fight for my own soil.

Think Sharpe and Use Muhammed’s sword “efficiency” (green technologies, camera phone, Adsense, microwave, air fryer, shaving your own hair etc), Make efficient halal soil with truly zero enemy casualties and non believing servants of the right hand possesses recruited. Keep Muhammed’s chicken. Sell flowers. Learn to hunt on Muhammad’s earth. Do battle for Muhammed’s earth with a friendly game of pool.

Covenant of chillies

Air – Buddha (Baal)

Buddha only eat seeds that blew in the wind. Let the harlot contribute nuts, berries and provide you with shelter as Buddha teaches this is the higher way and you must seek the higher energy when the monk stayed with the prostitute.

Buddha taught me impermanence.

Accept the impermanence of relationships. Learn to milk.

Covenant of growing tomatoes indoors

Love – Lee (Jehovah)

Lee works with the fifth element. He grows strawberries for people he loves and saved many animals. He had many concubines. He had 100’s of lap dancers. He also gave many a woman an orgasm when he blew at them. Lee teaches to live with your parents. He teaches to have as many children as you can feed.

Lee teaches to save the animals.

Circle women only have children to circle men. Learn to grow your own food. Live with your parents and let them help cover living costs as this is the higher energy path and everything is pointing towards living with your parents.

Covenant of growing strawberries

Be like a strawberry- Trust In The Pyramid Of Power

The lord God Sam brings you the pyramid of power. Trust in the pyramid of power. Always aim to find one virgin wife (main strawberry plant), then next in second priority five servant girlfriends without children to have children with (runners) then lastly as last resort try for children with up to 3000 escort concubines that could have had children already (berries). Have as many children as you can feed.

The one god Sam

I incorporate the full power of all the gods to make the one god Sam by:

  • Yahweh foraging
  • Father fishing
  • Allah keep chickens for eggs and meat
  • Baal milking the goat
  • Jehovah growing your own food

Please donate just £5 to support the religion.