

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 109)

  Lee has a big heart and helps as many people as he can with his generosity but this is because he is hard because he grows his own food, both indoors and outside and grows mushrooms. There is no one harder than Lee. The church tries to put on me than I stole a pennie because they don’t believe that I am god Jehovah and don’t loose it and kill and just sent flowers. It’s just...

I have got to grow Allah’s chillis in the conservatory to capture and recruit servant girlfriends of the right hand possesses that make me cheaper. Once they are trained up at 26 I will move them on to other companies as servants of the right hand possesses for a recruitment fee. Is this ok Islam ☪️. ...

Circles are influencing people. More and more people are growing some of their own food and having raised beds and pots put in their gardens. Even if they don’t call themselves circles they have the spirit of a circle. I’m a historic prophet and will go down in the history books as the prophet that fought for the path to peace. ...