

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 114)

Allah said to me in mental hospital who is your enemy. I said no one. He said I need an enemy to do my job. I always need an enemy. I said ok smokers. He said what do you want me to do. I said Give them orgasms. He said how will that kill them. I said if you pay smokers to give you an orgasm they are more likely to buy more cigarettes and die....

My garden represents where minty old women meet fresh virgin women. In my garden where Scottish love died of a virgin with the planting of a rose and a servant of mint and marrying old women. ...

I want to end hunger. My people I am but one man. I can’t feed you all myself but I can show you the true path to have a fruitful life and feed yourselves. Follow the religion move to Great Britain and we will prosper. The enemy is cat food! ...