

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 126)

For believers Father’s bbq is at the other side of the lords house. There is Angel Michaels corn on the cob with butter, jacket potatoes, ribs, chicken and beef burgers. There is a glass of ice old orange juice to wash it down and cool you down. ...

In the rose garden. The adulterous woman Is sunbathing in Allah’s sun, while drinking a coffee and vaping an e-cigarette. Allah tries to burn their skin. That is what hell looks like for believers. It’s a trick there is no food! Lee laughs all the women that betrayed me are in Allah’s rose garden fasting. ...

When women refuse to settle down with you and have your children. Just hunt, plant roses and vote labour. Let labour starve their defiant behaviour with higher taxes. Just plant rose bush, vote labour for higher taxes and smile. Circles will force evolution with democracy....

Jehovah offers you two choices women. Have circles men’s children and be fed home grown strawberries and choose the path of life or choose not to have circle men’s children and receive home grown roses and choose the path of death. Will you evolve? ...

Moses has joined the party for the cost of a stamp. I picked and eat blackberries on the way to church. Increasing the efficiency of my engine.  We now have Moses on our side. We didn’t kill anyone as Moses taught “thou shall not kill”. We just foraged on the way to church and saved the animals. ...