

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 132)

Welcome to Great Britain the cure for the cancer of the UK. It will increase productivity and restore morals and grow from within England. Starting in Doncaster. All I needed was water. I’ll teach you the way....

As you fail to donate to feed the children and As I have been manipulated by women for tens of thousands to feed other men’s children and not have my own. I think like a hedgehog and crawl into a ball while someone shoots someone’s child. I don’t offer my protection anymore. I eat another cheese. There are nine cheeses left. I will fight for every inch! Baals milk money....

Women get two chances of the right hand possesses. Give your glasses a second clean if they have two men’s other children as a concubine missionary cleaner. Let them feed the kitty milk by selling plant starts to them. Once your glasses are clean you can see what you’re doing better. ...

Allah forgives you for your sins if you come to the temple on Friday for a chicken curry that way muhammed’s men will make sure that you have a child by attacking non believers with halal chicken. Freaky Friday. It’s little dicki. Put on another beat. Muhammed turn around touch the ground and say baggy not the last prophet in your own house to make Muhammad’s soil.