

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 139)

When I was in hospital me Tommy the teacher possessed my body. Jesus and Allah went on a mission to climb up the ranks of the gods. We first send Jesus the boy ahead of us and he talked about the water cycle and Christianity. The aliens being said we like Christians you’re welcome. Then sent in me and my strawberry and talked about how girls kept breaking my heart. We talked about peace. Then we...

I have two water swords that follow the fifth element of love. They are power and labour. I have used up both these waters as I killed and took someone’s water rights when orange water teleported into the conservatory twice. Make the girls serve. ...

Baal is the full armour of god made by your love of woman that have other men’s children. It is impenetrable. It has feet to walk as a peaceful diplomat into foreign countries to create trade. ...