

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 15)

When I fell into Allah’s universe he told me to put my fingers down my throat and twist my head off. It was scary. Then he chased me with a shooting star doing missile noises with people in their houses saying Allah leave him alone then twisted their heads off. It was scary. Once Allah chased me out of town. He left me alone. I then flagged down the police as I was lost and they...

Allah once again tangos the police this time gives them a virtual slap. Are you not going to do anything about the attempted murder of me and the crippling by antipsychotics, false imprisonment of me, theft of £200 by the mental hospital and property from my house, physical assault. Can you make it up to me and let me take Elle from escort centre out for a meal at the harvest festival. I believe in father god.  ...

Baal says “I don’t care if they vape or don’t as long as we negotiate the orgasm” so with France so that I may have a child with Elle (Lucy) from escort centre. Mixing Jehovah’s strawberry and love with Baals milk. ...

Stop the death camps of the mental health services where Laurie Jade Woodruff the Nazi is trying to breed super humans and kill individuals with physical disabilities. This is what I heard on skelbrook ward of mental hospital. Even though she chose Ian Parker to have a child over me because he was stronger. He smoked. I am taller and more intelligent. I say clean genes with cuddles not gas forms and antipsychotics. Laurie and Ian needs to...

Captain America and iron man of Scotland and Yorkshire do a pincer movement on the king of England and get him to serve by looking after the British canopy project and to keep planting trees in the uk. They convince the king to go on a peaceful mission to unite northern Island with Great Britain to form the uk and to bring the spaceship design of saint Catherine's mental hospital for them to copy. The next...