

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 153)

In mental hospital they had already attacked me once in the garden while I talked about pretty flowers by injecting me with the poison of Antipsychotic medication within the first month of being in there which is against the law. It was Jehovah that told me to talk to them about the flowers in the garden as he is a peaceful god. So they showed that they couldn’t be trusted. So when they told me to...

Be a cat the boss and do exercise with your escorts such as badminton for free and cut down on the sugar and don’t get married more than once to a virgin. Switch a ho for a beer. Stay loyal to your wife and sit back and drink a beer when she is busy. The extra calories will feed you over paying for an escort. If you can have the free company of your own escorts...

I knew you were going to come to me. If you dare to follow Baal and turn your church into a stripclub with 25% gift aid and follow Buddha and the air element I will starve the non believers. Grow Allah’s chillis for the pyramid of power and have 3000 concubines vaping. I’m capable of anything. Benefits will be lowered and taxes raised. Dark horse. Baal teaches karma. Like a bird without a cage we have...

I told Pearl that I had the spirit of Jesus within me when I told her about giving women orgasms when I blew at them. Now I am filled with Muhammad’s sprit and never started the ignition. I sold my car. Asda work harder by delivering Muhammad’s soil (compost) on food deliveries. To save the world. Muhammad is the greatest. Circles have another mountain to climb and build their garden and move soil without a car....

Allah did jaz hands in mental hospital after he taught me how to make a bottle rocket by putting chilli seeds in an empty Pepsi bottle with a bit of water. Then after I opened it after a couple of minutes it’s fizzed and he said ta dar jazzy hands a bottle rocket. Now I seek a higher love and an open to having children with a virgin of any race. I’m not racist. They are turning...