

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 166)

  I buy my halal chicken from Asda as it’s cheaper and work on my Muhammed’s earth of thou shall not steal. Be careful and follow the religion because the enemy has a button.

Every year circles make progress with their garden on Muhammed secured earth and defeat the non believers. It’s Allah’s shotgun. Stick around and you’ll see what I mean. Take this religion south of the equator.  ...

I stab the knife into the earth and start cutting flowers for bird food. It’s going fresh and Allah. It’s a click on the Quran. Allah pops a balloon and makes everyone jump. ...

You have to be a virgin to be married otherwise it’s a servant or concubine for you. Go to Christian’s if you seek forgiveness. It’s one way for circles. We rush because we are out of time. There is a goat behind you.