

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 171)

Allah said that if I worshiped him I could have up to 3000 concubines. He doesn’t need to go to that extreme. But if I have more than four escort concubines to have my children (that represents Muslims 4 wives) then Allah has worked and he has held the chicken shop and Islam hasn’t failed. I keep my covenant with Allah for the minimum of four escort concubines to have my children. Can Allah hold the...

Father said I’ve been shot by women. Go to the conservatory. I looked on the floor and there was a huge pool of orange water. Father explained that it was all the water used to grow food to pay for an escort that used a condom on me. She shot a circle with a condom. So I no longer see other agencies escorts or independent escorts and stick to finial discipline only my own escorts are...

My views on Islam have been shaped by gods intervention. I used to be a Christian scared of Muslims and was attacked by them. But when I escaped from mental hospital and went to Leeds. Father told me to hold my hands out and Allah would send me something to protect me. A large piece of Muhammed’s earth fell from the sky. Then father told me to put it in a water bottle and add love...

Women need to learn to evolve to be man eating escort as their isn’t enough food. Let a circle man have an escort agency as his mating call to show too that he is a man eating raptor. Father can’t force evolution. ...