

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 178)

I ask that if you don’t want to be a circle and grow your own food from home that you peacefully surrender and smoke cigarettes. But if you are a circle then don’t smoke it is strictly harem. Circles will peacefully give you cigarette money for orgasms with us. Girls attacked me with poison in my drinks at the work place trying to take down an alpha and gave me heart attacks. Now I still have chest pains but I’m going to push past the pain and use the heavy hoover and do the housework. I put girls to work in the garden and carry the light soil. I’m Gabriel - men fight for me. Join the army. I’ll look after your women. With office...

In peace times follow Gabriel and women use Allah’s Gabriel’s sword of being a web cam girl, stripper or escort and use fathers shield of men growing food and follow the light side of the force. In times of war use Allahs Jesus’s sword of  men being in the army. And women carrying fathers shield of growing their own food. ...