

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 184)

Keep it in the family. Let the girls in the office sleep with office workers for tips to supplement their income as the girls get paid lower wages. Don’t let the captured boys sleep with the girls, until they convert to the religion. only circle men of the religion in the office can sleep with the girls. That way you keep your soil and don’t loose it to Gabriel’s sword....

Allah teaches final discipline where you can only sleep with your wife or servant girlfriends of the right hand possesses or your own concubines. I managed to secure more Muhammad’s soil by not caving in to other agencies escorts by sticking to final discipline. Now I fight for Muhammad’s soil. ...

When Women refuse to have children to circles grow food indoors enough to pay for their vaping habit and insist that you give them an orgasm and get them pregnant by paying for their vapes. Grow flowers in your front garden to give to the girl. Your front garden is Allah’s sword. There addiction will help you win this argument and the powerful Baal the god of war will come through. That’s Allah’s gassy water. ...

Due to reduced birth rates as women seek a career we must change this so women no longer work outside their families business and must stay at home, have a raise children....