

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 194)

The day of judgement has passed and I sentenced the world to hell because how women just used me for money and wouldn’t marry me and have my children. I put on the gas fire and it went past the hour. Then Allah told me to plant trees. ...

If you leave circleism you don’t face the death penalty however you will have to pay the increase circle tax which is implemented by circles shops not giving you a discount for being a circle....

God split himself into two with me to teach me religious boxing. He made father and Allah. Where father blocks and has a hard shield of a cocoon of a butterfly and Allah punches and stings like a bee. ...

It should be illegal to force antipsychotics. They are dangerous to your health. There are things unseen of this world that cause voices such as angels, jinns and gods. Circles should make efforts to get into position of power within the mental health services to defend people with religious experiences....