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Circleism / Blog (Page 27)

Circleism adopts a caste system for its governance of woman. Women under your control can fall into three castes; wife, servant girlfriend or concubine. There can be one wife who was married as a virgin and has equal rights to the man who should receive a dower from her husband on consummation of the marriage. There can be up to five servant girlfriends who work for their master at his company and have his children. They don’t live...

If you are in the class set as concubine You will need to evolve to be a circle and see the human race as meat and eat their wallets. Have your masters children then feed them through escorting, web caming or stripping. Evolve to be the most attractive to humans to lure them to eat food bought from their cash. This is not for wives or the right hand possesses to do only concubines. This is...

Soon maybe this year we will be reaching peak energy due to the decline in hydrocarbon fossil fuels. We have built our house on sand and it will fall down. We must peacefully plan the decline in energy. This should be done by: Growing our own food at home Implementing renewables and nuclear Having fewer children ...