

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 31)

Russia the exchange will be managed by a civilian and Buddha. Grow flowers to feed the birds as your defence against Islamic attacks. sunflowers for biofuels and feed the chickens . circleism a religion of peace. Believe in Muhammad and chicken.

Uriel is a bit of an animal he saves more money by eating raw sausage rolls that don’t need cooking on pigs raised on mushrooms grown on used coffee grounds. It’s an animal. Live on inheritance. Follow Islamic rules on inheritance. ...

Venom is angel uriel’s armour of angel Gabriel. He blocks all the people that use him for money to feed other men’s children and tells them to feed themselves with following the religion. Until he has saved up £3000 to have a baby. Uriel is on top of Gabriel. This is when I tell circles to kill pigs if they are starving as a last resort.  ...

We need the venom of India and Pakistan to create an efficiency knife of a buss to travel to work and keep and kill halal chickens. Kill with the efficiency of a buss. Drink coffee and grow mushrooms too for Spider-Man’s power. Web developers.    ...