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Circleism / Blog (Page 34)

Allah (sun) lined up with Yahweh (earth) and father (moon) and did a total eclipse and Allah made himself known as the god head and I hunted meat. Now the orbits move apart and Yahweh takes over and I just fish and peacefully negotiate with the enemy to accept Yahweh the fisherman. ...

When Allah snaps his fingers. Father, Yahweh and Allah line up and combine the energy and make the one god Allah. Allah says I’m the only one worth worshipping you must fight as Allah is at the top. There is an eclipse and father, Yahweh and Allah line up. £11.84 achieved with Allah I eat meat. ...

Muslims you need to use the flaming sword and liberate soil for Mohammed. As we go to war we are all in danger of dieing because the enemy could launch nuclear bombs and we all will be dead. So we all are scared. But you have Allah protecting you so please fight for Mohammed’s soil with conventional weapons otherwise we will have to use nuclear weapons. Build my empire. ...

Yahweh brings to you a new game. Star Wars. Will you follow Allah and attack with the dark side of the force and keep halal chickens and slaughter them in Allahs name and eat meat. Or will you follow father and the light side of the force and defend by growing potatoes and eat vegetables. Only a true force master controls both the light side and dark side of the force and has a halal chicken...