

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 34)

In your 20’s be Allah and fresh and buy an expensive car and live with your parents until your married, give girls flowers. Marry a virgin. In your 30’s buy a home and go father and minty and grow your own food to feed your wife and family. Take servants of the right hand possesses. In your 40’s rent a home/office as your spaceship to work spend your fuel money on AdWords to move your spaceship go Allah...

I change from father’s back garden and growing potatoes to Allah’s front garden and growing flowers to starve the sholva. It’s Allah’s sword. Bring the food growing indoors and turn selfish to fight the sholva. Help the Muslim bees to make cheap honey. (Money). Stay fresh get paid! Muslims / circles get the expensive car and live with your parents in your 20’s to pull, stay with your parents until your married. Stay fresh! Stovin advertising for SEO...

So escorts are chickens if they don’t settle down and get married to their master they fry their eggs with periods from using condoms. Get rid of them past 25. Let them forage from your strawberry patch to keep them halal. Animal welfare is important so show love to your chickens (escorts). ...

I now change from Jesus and following father and his shield ️ of a potato to Gabriel and following Allah and his sword of a “chicken”. I no longer date other men’s escorts. But stick to the principles of Islam and circleism. I aim for the purist religion of Islam and four virgin wives to build up Muhammed’s soil to buy a house. But if girls have had one child already I will have to follow...