With your money you have two choices eat fathers mint and grow vegetables to absorb the expense and save money. Or eat Allahs chillis kill chickens to eat and make things fresh and spend money.
Allah and father are two force gods that control the evolutionary path between allah and the dark side of the force with eating meat. Father and the light side of the force and eating vegetables. I bring balance to the force. Allah used to be the devil before Laurie’s witchcraft. Now Laurie rules hell.
We need more Muhammed’s soil. Be extremists by doing extreme shopping and buy 20 halal chickens from the supermarket to save on multiple deliveries to put towards securing Muhammed’s Earth. Put cash through a halal chicken shop.
I still have not have had children but have been taken advantage of by countless women to feed other men’s children and not have my own. Even though I am smart and grow my own food. The Laurie’s of this world can face the enemy with their children and loose them in war for going against nature and god....
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