

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 59)

Win Muhammed’s Earth by building earthships (houses with conservatories) grow Allah’s chillis and fathers tomatoes inside to make baals hot sauce. Use this on your food and negotiate an orgasm with those that vape e-cigarettes to be servant girlfriends of the right hand possesses....

While Muhammed’s men defend the land and hold the front line. Buddhas men negotiate mutual trade and Gabriel attacks with web cam to win soil in cyber warfare against the sholva. Girls uses live jasmin and use the settings to block your own country (This is how we cover up to protect our own men). It’s a long range missile. The most prettiest models will win money and give them an evolutionary advantage.    ...

Islam is the last religion sent by a prophet. Now the angels bring down the shape additions to add to the religion. Starting with Angel Gabriel and circleism, then Angel uriel with rectanglism then Angel Michael with triangulism then Angel Nike with pentagonism. As Muhammed is the last prophet each of the angels will help advance Islamic soil until the whole earth is Islamic. ...

Children shouldn’t be made to do labour. Wait until they turn 13 and are a teenager before giving them a job. Take the teenagers to business meetings and work to learn about the business....