

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 61)

Don’t compel your escorts into prostitution but let them have long dates with clients to get to know them well such as week holidays. You should with frame with having sex with an escort for the first three days of a holiday to avoid them being treated like a prostitute and for you to get to know them better. The three day waiting period distinguished the difference between an escort and a prostitute....

Escorts will become rarer as society moves more towards stable marriage or servant girlfriends of the right hand possesses. Baal brings in escorts as the next level of relationship to have children as concubine to have berry babies with. You try and get girls to settle down and be just a wife. ...

The prophets bring milestones to evolution to a peaceful society. Like how prophet Muhammed was outnumbered in battle and still won. God helps believers and those that evolve. We now need the previous prophets to pass on the batton to Angel Gabriel (Lee) and see circleism as the more evolved religion. By selectively breeding and using Gabriel’s sword will we ensure the more evolved in society prosper and have children.  ...