

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 63)

Abracadabra the Christ is back in his fifth interaction as Angel Gabriel the prophet of love. I bring to you circleism. I have been Moses, Jesus, Muhammed’s, Buddha and now I’m back as Lee. I came to life when Laurie woodruff gave birth to Ian’s child the antichrist.

Angel Michael will arrive and add the next component to the Christs iron sceptre of paid advertising. Currently Google doesn’t allow Adsense on escort websites. But Angel Michael will bypass this by using the term model instead of escort. This will be the 7th seal to god ra and the triangle religion....

To unlock the 6th seal and find Angel uriel the world must do several things: Make having a premium rate telephone number easier so that component can be added to the iron scepter Scientist make more progress towards controlled nuclear fusion by increasing the pressure plug-in hybrid cars running biofuels are the main form of transportation he will setup the rectangular shape religion to follow circleism and make logo a square  The religion will be mainly...

We just got a new takeaway menu from a takeaway that is five miles away. I asked them if the chicken burgers was halal and they said yes. So I switched takeaways and ordered a halal chicken burger meal. Muhammed’s Earth is getting closer. We just need a halal chicken shop in woodlands Doncaster to secure Muhammed’s Earth....

The iron scepter has many components. it is a website with seo, that has Adsense on it, has a ecommerce website, that has a donate button, has a payment ivr to handle enquires but is also is on a premium rate number. It is a death stick to extract money out of the people. it is powered by fame. Only when the iron scepter is ready will the Christ and his girlfriends be announced to the world....