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Circleism / Blog (Page 63)

Girls I can’t be bothered with the arguments. I have just been filling the gaps in the weakness of your men. But I won’t feed another man’s child any longer. So you will have to see if your man that you have chosen is a real man. I basically increased my cost of living but now I reduce down and only seek a virgin wife. I’m a real man. Tomorrow two girls fight over me and...

Laurie you was about a 8 or 9 that is how I rate your vibe. I’m now watching out for strippers and only will marry a virgin for the next four years. I’m coming for you with a chain saw while I save up for my own house. I will kill you with fathers potato https://youtu.be/Zl64MRAqQxk?si=Rh_jmBiLMic1yfKW...

As Allahs weapons escalate from cigarettes to dogs know that circles are fighting with Muslims on the front line with guard dogs. The war moves up the street. We will win more soil. https://youtu.be/v2AC41dglnM?si=TnkjVbhwahpQXYM4...