

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 65)

Super save is activated when the devil is in play. The devils goes out and kills men’s wallets with a bit of smoke and put the money in the banks to pay their mortgage so that the banks can afford to pay higher interest. It’s the devils that pays interest and those that worship Satan. Increase interest rates. ...

Father god said if I collected rain water at Ripon Cathedral that I would have enough water to see Elle from escort centre  at the harvest festival. So I sat in the pouring rain with an upside down umbrella and jug while I heard music playing in the cathedral and the lights on the floor light up from left to right. I heard news reporters asking me what I was doing and the spirit said that...

Increase the pressure for the arrival of the Mahdi angel uriel and unlock greater power by letting adverts such as Adsense be allowed on escort websites. Do this by making “models” the new word for escorts. And they are expected to do escorting with clients. This will save god money on multiple websites (computers) and make him more powerful. Everything on your browser. Unlock with your eyes. ...