

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 74)

Allah changes his name to Jehovah. Allah explains as the god of soil that I could have held my land and house if Elle stood by my side and lived with me. Now the story of me and Elle is over. It’s too late for her. With Jehovah I won’t date anyone with other men’s children....

Muslim’s secured Yorkshire I heard the TV say that Muslims have secured Yorkshire and that Elle is safe. So hopefully I will see her in the future. But this is no time to be complacent or the enemy will come back. Keep doing extreme shopping and buying in bulk halal chickens to save on multiple deliveries to add the money to securing Muhammed’s soil. I have renewed faith in Allah even though it’s been 7 years since...

Muhammed’s men I need your help. Carry a flaming sword of Islam by growing hot chilli ️ plant in your window to win us soil. The five pound that you save from growing chillis indoors please donate it to the religion. I need Muhammed’s soil and need you to fight this way for our soil and keep the covenant with Allah. ...

Gods garden is destroyed. The world wouldn’t help the lord see Elle from escort centre. So father spends his last breath and the garden dies. The world has now been handed over to Satan as no one would support god. Circleism was a peaceful religion and we lost to demons....

I angel Gabriel am Muhammed’s Earth Angel and say Muslim’s and circles we must fight for Muhammed’s Earth so that I can marry and have three children to Elle from escort centre. We must go back to the future where I am born. Angel Gabriel says fight for Muhammed’s soil by using the flaming sword and do extreme shopping and buying in bulk halal chickens to save on multiple deliveries.