

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 87)

My mum the oracle has spoken again. she says “you need a switch in your head” I say I don’t understand. Then she pointed to put my t-shirt in the washing basket. She says “put on another one on you need to be a flower”. So I have translated this as another message from god. That I need to attract women rather than chase. And put them through the washing and only give nectar (money) to smart attractive women....

When lovers draw a chalk wall to stop the person from sending messages go around it with other messengers says Jehovah. Write the message of love on their wall and the cup of life that you offer them. You can’t stop Jehovah and the power of love....

Lee knows how to fight. We spread the religion and fight for the five elements. Currently we are fighting for water and ask christain’s to join the fight and donate to the religion so that I may return to my local church and donate so that I can have toasted bread and a drink. Common Christians Lee needs you.

This religion is father’s house work. He is here with all his friends; Yahweh, Allah, Baal and Jehovah the other gods. El is the father of the gods. Father is going to throw some shade if we don’t get any donations.

So the pigs and monkeys divide into two groups and are pelted with stones (emails) by each other this is war. They will no longer have children with each other. The monkeys are clean and the pigs are dirty. While the monkeys are clean and groom each other the pigs lay in their own filth....