To cope with the boredom waiting for girls to be defeated by 10 swords of the lord just plants apple trees as gifts. Stay peaceful. Fathers religion....
Give girls that don’t match up to your genetic match flowers and don’t feed them. Only feed women that have good genes. Then even if you die without having children your energy has gone towards supporting good dna. I bought...
I sit in the balance between two extremes not too hot and not too cold. I meet the girls half way. I grow food in the back garden for father and flowers in the front garden for Allah.
I bought Laurie this gorgeous hand bag that she wanted for her Christmas present. But when she fell pregnant to Ian Parker she entered father’s Icey cold hell and god withdrew his love and never gave her the hand bag....
On our break from our therapy session with Laurie. We had a walk to the local pub for a meal. It was cold and Laurie said she prefers the cold. She was pregnant to Ian. It was in that moment...
My views on Islam have been shaped by gods intervention. I used to be a Christian scared of Muslims and was attacked by them. But when I escaped from mental hospital and went to Leeds. Father told me to hold...
Ever since the arrival of the antichrists the world has been in turmoil. God chose me to destroy the antichrists and save the world. With father’s shield of home grown potatoes, Yahweh’s helmet of hot sauce, Allahs sword of halal...
Yahweh would like circles to choose a side either worship father follow the light side and be Jedi and grow potatoes or worship Allah, the dark side as sith and keep halal chicken. Let them meet at the dinner table...
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