

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 110)

Follow Muhammed and Islam and box the soil all the way up. By blocking by growing fathers home grown potatoes and feeding neighbours to keep the peace. And punch by keeping chickens or doing extreme shopping of halal chickens to do a halal cut and punch. Then just poo and build up your soil. Eat chicken and potato dinners and poo that is all I want you to do to win soil. ...

It is time for circles (Muslims) to stop being peaceful with the mental health doctors and force the religion. Tell them we want to grow our own food, plant trees, use renewables, work from home, have girlfriends and our own children. Beat the doctors up until they quit the genocide.  They need to accept that we need to come off oil and force the religion. Allah says that we must force the whole thing. ...

Circles defend against the nhs by growing the hottest chillis that you can for Allah. To defend against the medication. But circles turn these chillis into a bullet by eating them theirselves. Then you’re punching by a few calories. This is war and it’s hot as hell. But we must go through the heat of the chilli. ...

Circles may loose some numbers to the mental health services but we will win this war because we make our own lunch by growing our own food. While the nhs use up fuel attacking us by visiting us and injecting us with antipsychotics. Don’t give up the fight circles we will win this war. Where before we defended against England so the neighbours wouldn’t attack by growing and giving them home grown potatoes. Now I will...

The mental hospitals and advertising media have been crafted into a sophisticated weapon to end someone’s life force. Like it was done on me. They kept me prisoner in mental hospital and used advertising methods such as the radio to say that I have hiv when I didn’t to stop the public wanting to have children with me. They also hid my advertising website to stop me having children. Now on my 44th birthday the ai...