

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 185)

We have hit peak oil when 911 happened. Ever since then I haven’t won any work. After 10 years of trying and not making a sale I had to sell my houses, car and use up my life savings. The world ended. I eat fathers mint and it brought me back to life. I now fight and grow my own food in the back garden as my shield. I hope to keep a halal chicken in...

The religion of circleism is the cure for the cancerous culture of the earth as it teaches people to grow your own food, trees, save the animals and rely less on fossil fuels....

Build up your soil with firewood ashes in winter. Plant a horse chestnut tree on your property in Allahs front garden for free firewood. When burned pass them ashes back to fathers back garden for free compost. Remember soil has to be halal so killing. ...