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Circleism / Blog (Page 35)

Muslims you need to use the flaming sword and liberate soil for Mohammed. As we go to war we are all in danger of dieing because the enemy could launch nuclear bombs and we all will be dead. So we all are scared. But you have Allah protecting you so please fight for Mohammed’s soil with conventional weapons otherwise we will have to use nuclear weapons. Build my empire. ...

Yahweh brings to you a new game. Star Wars. Will you follow Allah and attack with the dark side of the force and keep halal chickens and slaughter them in Allahs name and eat meat. Or will you follow father and the light side of the force and defend by growing potatoes and eat vegetables. Only a true force master controls both the light side and dark side of the force and has a halal chicken...

Circleism has two religious festivals. Star Wars day for Allah and the harvest festival for father. Allah attacks with Star Wars day by bringing in donations into the church with the dark side of the force. This is the church’s sword.  Father defends with the harvest festival and feeds its followers a free meal. This is father’s shield and the light side of the force. The time between Star Wars day and the harvest festival is...

It is the end of the age of fossil fuels and we must come off it peacefully. Supermen must grow their own food and then feed their concubines to save them from poverty. The right hand possesses will power companies with efficient workers keeping businesses running. The chicken will scratch and make Mohammed’s earth through green technologies and efficiency. Welcome to growing your own food, the right hand possesses and concubines. ...