

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 36)

Project Ironman: The Heart of a Hero In a world desperate for change, where technology and nature stood at odds, Tony Stark—aka Iron Man—faced his greatest challenge yet: saving the majestic elephants of Africa from extinction. Stark had always been a man of innovation, but this time, his genius would not be directed toward weapons or armor. It would be aimed at saving one of Earth’s most endangered treasures. The Birth of Project Ironman After Stark’s retirement from superhero...

I am iron man. If you ever need help. My old garden has fruit trees they are just overgrown and need replanting and have been stolen.  I have stealthy apple trees planted all over grown from seed and cuttings. Ask amy from mental health services. Say captain Americas is iron man’s body guard.

French nuclear reactors give radiation to French men making them hard enough to keep and kill chickens. Avengers assemble. French we will buy your halal chickens. Muslims move to France you have their radiation to make you strong. Love angel Gabriel. ...