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Circleism / Blog (Page 5)

I don’t see the logic of a dog. Why risk fighting and getting hurt or being captured. Don’t fight stay in your shell. Let the dogs steal your food outside and keep growing food inside in your shell. The turtle has more food, let the dog eat one of your eggs. ...

Play turtle power. Borrow £100 off a friend and don’t pay it back until you have earned 1 pence interest. If they come kicking and screaming play turtle power and just stay in your house. That’s fishing. https://youtu.be/JOQPp1Yvtm8?si=fuHAQb0fSX3dvo1D...

When women keep attacking go into your shell and play turtle power and ask women for a dowry. I’m serious I need a quarter keep visiting the website. When I was in mental hospital they put this woman who identified as a man. Anyway she turned psycho, kept banging and kicking my door. I just stayed in my shell until she cooled off. Use nuclear bunkers and don’t attack first. Kowabunga https://youtu.be/JOQPp1Yvtm8?si=fuHAQb0fSX3dvo1D...

Charlotte menon bought me a larger as a dowry and then we made love. I guess we are married. Even though I never see her anymore. She has disappeared. The sugary drink fed this bee. They are just waiting for me to return. https://youtu.be/UDApZhXTpH8?si=8bXTZHBrwk03OP19  ...