Bestowed on me by Baal was the powers of giving women orgasms with magic. I may negotiate an orgasm with an e-cigarette and trade with a home grown strawberry as Angel Gabriel.
When defeated sholva bring their children to circles house and become servant girlfriends. We don’t kill them, we make them boys to do work for us as servants then when they are older send them off to the army to fight for us.
Baal is the reigning god of heaven, the next iteration of Allah. I am Angel Gabriel that brings the element of love and when I go to heaven will be god Jehovah. As angels on earth transcend to be gods in heaven after they have had their experience on earth. It is like a software development methodology with user feedback.
God, son and the Holy Spirit....
Pay concubines remotely for work across the boarder such as public relations enough for their flight ticket. Once they are on your soil let them live with you while you try to get them pregnant. Then let them take the berrie baby far away to another country and pay them a berry amount of £3000.
Let your foreign concubines live at your house while you try to get them pregnant rather than paying for hotels or flats for them. That way you are winning and building up Muhammed’s soil.
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