

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 13)

Allah has finished making Muhammad’s soil in the uk. He has had a poo , now flushes the toilet with Jesus’s water then uses air fresheners of Buddhas air of impermence and freeing slaves. . Then if there are too many Buddhas Buddhas turn to circles and we make love ❤️. But god should flush the toilet with Jesus water every time he goes to the toilet and send Muhammed’s army to war to expand the...

Stalactites are formed when lots of Jesus’s water carries grains of Muhammed’s earth to give shape to the earth and form a pillar of Islam. All Christian’s vote for all Muslim men over aged 16-30 to join the army. ...

I wear the ring of power that gives me the power to have up to: 3000 concubines five servant girlfriends one wife Islam your using up too much power finding servants girlfriends. Only someone that believes in the prophet Muhammed can wear the ring of power. It builds up Muhammed’s soil....