

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 85)

As Angel Gabriel I was tourtured by the mental health services, beaten and finically destroyed. I never saw the girl I loved called Elle from escort centre at the harvest festival and never had children. It was a lie. My spirit died and I planted a rose....

Once you plant a rose in your garden for Jehovah. You have been defeated by Satan and lost in love. You see god doesn’t kill only capture. He goes as far as he can to be peaceful. But Satan is stronger. Circleism is a religion of peace we loose to Satan. A rose is a sign of your grave. ...

Ever since I lost my land to the nhs I have been tortured by Allah to make me angry to fight with the flaming sword to win my land back. He won’t stop tourturing me until I have my own Muhammed’s soil again. ...

Allah needs to defend our position with the flaming sword of growing chillies and extreme shopping of 10 halal chickens at Morrisons to save on multiple deliveries. While Baal strongly negotiates to win land by selling Allah chillis and father tomato plant starts to sell and buy the cheaper supreme chicken or baals burger to buy land.  Send wave after wave of baals warriors the milkmen.  ...

Whatever god the police and nhs follow is stronger than Allah. As Allah told me to defend my house with growing rhubarb as poison, keep a guard dog, put a packet of cigarettes on my land and grow chillis. I did all these except the dog as I couldn’t afford one. Yet the police with the nhs broke down my door to section me and make me loose my house and soil. So whatever god the police...